Tucker Arensberg Attorneys Criminal Defense Group
Practice Areas

Probation / Parole / Supervised Release Violations & Petitions for Early Discharge

To schedule an initial consultation with an experienced attorney, call your nearest office or complete the form.

Whether you knowingly or unknowingly violated probation or parole, you need an attorney who understands the probation and parole system and will be able to put you in the best possible position.

The rules surrounding probation and parole can be complex. At the Tucker Arensberg law firm, we represent clients who have been charged with parole or probation violations.

Probation and parole violations can send you to prison. The charges are serious because they could lead to probation revocation and they could put you in prison.

A positive urine screen or other violation of probation or parole can lead to incarceration. You do not have to go through this alone. We will fight to keep you out of jail.

We will also assist you in filing a petition for early release from probation or parole after you have met all your probation conditions.  The attorneys at Tucker Arensberg have represented clients not only seeking early release from supervision, but early release from incarceration.

If you have been charged with a probation or parole violation, contact us and we can help.


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