Sexual Assault & Related Crimes
To schedule an initial consultation with an experienced attorney, call your nearest office or complete the form.
Sexual assault is a crime almost universally condemned by anyone who hears about it — including prosecutors and juries. Too often, people are ready to assume an arrested person is guilty before they hear the full story.
At the Tucker Arensberg law office, we begin immediately to protect your rights. We have an investigator available who knows the questions to ask and the evidence to look for in order to get to the real story of what happened.
Age matters — and the difference in ages matters. What may have seemed like consensual sex at the time could be defined by law as sexual assault or statutory rape. If one person was under 16 years of age (even by one day) and the other person was four or more years older, sex cannot by definition be consensual.
Force matters — often physical or psychological force prior to the sexual assault is alleged. We have the experience to get to the truth of exactly what did or did not happen.
We know how to cross examine thoroughly and effectively. Getting the facts in a sexual assault case often involves cross examining the alleged victim. Our attorneys have the experience to be effective without alienating the jury.
Our law firm routinely handles sex crimes. Our lawyers believe that everyone deserves an aggressive, well-developed defense. You need a lawyer who has the experience and knowledge to defend against sexual assault charges. Charges we have handled include:
- Sexual assault, forcible rape
- Statutory sexual assault
- Aggravated indecent assault
- Involuntary deviant sexual intercourse
- Indecent assault
- Institutional sexual assault