Tucker Arensberg Attorneys Criminal Defense Group

White Collar Crime, Internal & Government Investigations


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Many people associate the word racketeering with organized crime, but in actuality, there are a wide variety of different businesses, social clubs and other groups who can be charged with racketeering because of how they operate or certain services they offer. In order to preserve your business for the future, it is critical to seek out an attorney who has handled these types of cases and is familiar with how to challenge the evidence that has been collected against you.

With over 100 years of combined experience, the attorneys at Tucker Arensberg have handled multitudes of racketeering cases on both the state and federal level. We know how to challenge evidence, to present an effective defense or to negotiate for the best plea offers.

In Pennsylvania, racketeering can involve any number of different types of activities, such as:

  • Operating a back-room casino operation, involving gambling such as table games or slot machines
  • Running an illegal card game
  • Bookmaking for sporting events and horseracing
  • Functioning as a loan shark
Many legitimate businesses can become corrupt organizations by mixing illegal operations, such as money laundering, with normal business transactions. These charges can be rolled into a RICO (Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations) charge at the federal level, which may involve a prolonged investigation and trial. Our firm knows how to sift through the evidence to challenge key components. We know how to obtain information quickly. We can help you if you are being investigated, if you are sent a target letter or have been summoned to appear at a grand jury.

Complete our form for a free consultation or contact our office today to schedule a free initial consultation with a criminal defense lawyer who will listen to you and help you plan a comprehensive defense.